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Process chain for the specific addressing and placement of former inmates in the labor market

The process chain establishes a connection between the individual actors and workflows that represent important elements for the integration of former inmates into the labor market. In this context, the partners developed a flow chart that explains the individual steps for the optimal integration of prisoners.

Before placing inmates in the labor market, it is important to train and assess their skills, abilities and experience in order to provide them with individual job offers or internships. The pedagogical observation sheets developed in IO2 are ideal tools. Where possible, correctional facilities can identify (further) employment opportunities for prisoners within prisons to give them the chance to gain additional work experience and develop their skills before their release. Psychological support and advice throughout the process is very helpful in overcoming emotional and mental challenges related to social and professional reintegration.

Based on this, the correctional facilites can build partnerships with local companies and employers. The volunteer database developed in IO1 provides contact opportunities with potential employers. In addition to the database, job fairs and recruitment events also offer opportunities to establish contacts between companies and prisons respectively inmates.

It is helpful to continuously monitor and support the entire process in order to evaluate and track the impact of the measures in the process chain and to overcome challenges and problems. Contact between the correctional facility, companies and former inmates should be maintained as far as possible. This allows companies and businesses as well as the prisoners successfully placed in the labour market to provide feedback in order to continue to optimize the process chain in the future.